*Ressources françaises à suivre
If you are in crisis or actively considering suicide, please contact:
Talk Suicide Canada
Talksuicide.ca | 24/7 Support
Call 9-8-8
Text 9-8-8
CMHA Peel Crisis Support
CMHAPeelDufferin.ca | 24/7 Support
Halton Crisis Outreach & Support Team
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto
416-408-4357 or text 45645
Si vous traversez une crise ou si vous envisagez sérieusement le suicide, contactez :
9-8-8 : Ligne d’aide en cas de crise de suicide
Service offert 24 h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, tant par téléphone que par textos
Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM) Peel Dufferin Crisis Support (services en anglais)
CMHAPeelDufferin.ca | Services offerts 24 h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7
Tél. : 905-278-9036
Halton Crisis Outreach & Support Team (offre des services en français)
Tél. : 1-877-825-9011
2695 North Sheridan Way, Suite 120
Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2N6
Email: osp@carepointhealth.ca
Phone: 905-728-1308
Toll-free: 1-833-677-0174
Please note: This number only accepts voicemail.
CarePoint Health is committed to providing a respectful and safe workplace, in compliance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. We strive to offer mental health services that are culturally safe and anti-oppressive. Discrimination toward our employees, affiliates, patients, or members is unacceptable.
Carepoint Health | All Rights Reserved